Junior High School Curriculum

The High School section at Chong Hua is in one large campus. The campus houses outstanding teaching resources, performance venues and sporting facilities which are easily accessible to the students.

The Junior High school syllabus and programme are offered to effectively transition students from Elementary School to High School. At Junior school students are fully engaged in a range of academic subjects, while they experience an increased variety of sports, clubs, and activities. It is through these activities that students identify their interests, find new strengths, and develop into exceptionally well-rounded young adults.

The school adopts the team-based learning programme to encourage students develop creative and critical thinking skills, thus fulfil their individual learning potential. This program involves working with whole-class groups with the support from the classroom teacher. The program is skill, not content driven. They learn to work on research, note-taking, reporting and presentation skills.

It is in this programme that students are prepared to sit for the Comprehensive Assessment to move into Senior school successfully.